
Glenn Terry

After a short career as an architectural designer, Glenn Terry discoverd his abilities to sculpt when the owner of a law office he designed in 1987 wanted a life-size bronze fountain and statue of Justice. With a fearless American can-do spirit, and only a moderate dose of hubris, Glenn decided he was up for the challenge. This experience dramatically changed his life focus, and he attended an atelier to learn skills in drawing and painting to improve his ability to see and render as an artist. For over 20 years he has been creating sculpture, murals, and portraits in a wide range of media, including the heroic-sized bronze statue of Saint Paul for the Cathedral of Saint Paul, MN, the largest mural by an artist in the Twin Cities, and a prolific and diverse body of works commissioned for businesses, churches, homes, and offices locally and nationally. His skills and background are especially suited to incorporate art in architecture. "I value the opportunity to create positive patterns of art and design in the visual environment. My greatest desire through art is to effectively communicate the beauty, harmony, love and joy found in God's creation, especially the profound inner spiritual qualities of people. By so doing I hope to inspire others to express the best of themselves in all endeavors. That is how we raise our culture."

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